TAKAMAYA Jade Mattress - Japan Technology

Consist 504 pieces of Energized Precious Jade
Suitable for Queen Size Mattress

Healthcare Effects: Remove Body Pain, Expel Fatigue, Clear of Mind

  • Improves quality of sleep, long time use make you fall asleep quickly
  • Relieves & prevents waist pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, joints pain and effective to numbness
  • Effective in reducing pain, giddiness, and stroke
  • Improves immunity, decreases the spread of diseases caused by viruses
  • Helps improve health condition after serious illness, improve body weakness of women after birth
  • Remove all body toxins, improves circulation of blood
  • Pass out all excessive body fat & dirty substances in the skin, helps tighten and smooth the skin
  • Improve function of kidney, keeps high vitality, improve cool feeling and sex capability.

Ten Healthcare Effects of TAKAMAYA Mattress

  1. Improves Metabolism
  2. Improves Health and reduces Body Fat
  3. Improves Micro Circulations
  4. Ease Fatigue and Pains
  5. Increase Immunity
  6. Improves Blood Circulation
  7. Vitalise Function of Cells
  8. Improves Rheumatism
  9. Vitalise Neutral Elements in Body
  10. Help Decrease Gynaecologic Disorders


  • 改善睡眠质量,长期使用让人快速进入深度睡眠。
  • 缓解和预防腰痛、肩周炎、腰间盘突出、坐骨神经痛、糖尿病、对关节酸痛及神经麻痹有良好效果。
  • 缓解头痛、头晕、减少中风风险。
  • 提高人体免疫力,减缓病毒传染速度及降低发病率(如感冒)。
  • 可预防高血压及各种心脑血管疾病。
  • 对大病初愈、身弱体虚和产后调理有非常好的帮助。
  • 有排毒功能,能把血液中对人体有害的物质排出,促进血液循环。
  • 美容减肥功效:使毛囊内杂质、剩余脂肪等有害物质排出体外,调节自律神经,使皮肤光滑、细腻、富有弹性。
  • 增强肾机能、保持旺盛精力:对身体发凉、肾虚、肾功能下降有独到的疗效。


  1. 促进及改善新陈代谢。
  2. 改善体质、消除肥胖。
  3. 促进人体微循环。
  4. 缓解肌体疲劳、肌肉疼痛。
  5. 提高人体免疫力。
  6. 促进血液循环。
  7. 活化人体细胞功能。
  8. 消除人体风湿寒。
  9. 活化人体内中性因子。
  10. 减轻妇科疾病。
Only for USD999 (RM3200)
Free Delivery in Malaysia

For enquiry, please email whlim2004@yahoo.com